It all begins with an ironic comic on Facebook (link) people buy fish and release them at the river by the side of the seller, so the seller suggests building a machine for releasing and capturing the fish. The people loved it and believe the machine will show that they are mercy and will bring them luck.

Now a game copying the mercy machine is here for fun. Some of our users claim they feel more lucky after playing it, see if it works for you too! And feel free to drop a coin, in ancient Chinese fairy tale donation will bring you luck, and spin the machine. Game will count how many time a fish has been put into water.

We will have another version in POPCAT style some days later... When will it be?





Download 35 MB

Install instructions

Download and unzip, you will find Mercy-Release (alpha).exe Now play with it share your play with friends until you get bored with it. Then wait for our latest update and try something new.

下載之後解壓,你會找到名為 Mercy-Release.exe 的文件,執行它,玩它,告訴你的朋友看這樣一個獵奇的小遊戲,直到大家都興趣索然……然後看看我們是不是出了新的版本讓你再玩弄一番。

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